
Monday, December 3, 2012

Toys From Creepmas Past

For the 3rd day of Creepmas I give you three toys from yesteryear. 

Last winter our local historical museum had a display of nostalgic toys.  Here are a few of the creepiest gems they had to offer. 

Snow White, the fairest in the land.  I'm sure in her day some little girl squealed in horror delight at the sight of her.  Personally I would stake her little black heart, cut off her head and bury her in silver chains, just to be on the safe side. 

That reminds me of my favorite Snow White story by Neil Gaimen.

Marionettes are right up there on my creep scale, I can't fathom a world in which they were ever popular. I have never seen The Howdy Doody Show and having seen these guys up close and personal I never want to. The clown gets triple creep points.  Clowns rank first on my creep scale. 

The Mr. and Mrs. Potato head that I grew up with were very different from the creepfest they started out as.  The original toy requiring a real potato and even the first incarnation with a plastic potato head look a little off, not to mention a sordid past of sharp pointed pieces and small choking hazards. 

I can't talk about old creepy toys without including a Baby Laugh A Lot commercial.  The original is freaky enough on it's own, but I love this one with a little Halloween soundtrack mixed in. 30 seconds of this and you feel like you've just been through an 80's slasher film marathon. 

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