
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Delightfully Twisted Artwork

I purchased this brilliant skull painting from a young, up and coming local artist.

My daughter and her friend decided to have a sidewalk sale of their original watercolor paintings to benefit the Humane Society. My girl did the skulls just for me because she knew it would be an easy sale. Both of them did an incredible job planning, painting and setting up.

Their other works weren't nearly so dark, but I count myself lucky to have snatched up her friend's painting that I like to call "Not a Fan", because she said it's not a fan, it's abstract.  (But I can still see it spinning and the breeze blowing, which is a little weird if it's not a fan.)

I almost missed the big annual art fair downtown, which would've been a travesty. Not only were most of my favorite artists there, but I saw quite a few others for the first time that already I can't wait to see again and I came home with some amazing artwork.  I thought I'd share the artists that appeal to my warped nature. - I love the creepy cool bugs, especially the praying mantis, but I can admit I also like the pretty butterflies and flowers. - I could get lost in the worlds he creates and am slowly amassing a collection so I can do just that. - "Blue Band" is one of my favorites, it's like a mix of Blue Man Group and Dr. Seuss. "Alien Ark" is another one I just had to have. I love the brilliant colors, the humor and the out of this world experience his paintings give me. - She had me with Memento Mobile a few years ago and I've been back for more every year since. - I liked his mutated Boba Fett, but it was the mixed media version of his frog grenade that I fell instantly in love with.  I didn't think it could get better than a zippered frog with Born to Kill sketched on his Kevlar, but it was aptly titled Full Metal Frog: Apocalypse Amphibian, which was the icing on the cake for me. - I love the eerie twists on my childhood icons. The Cheshire cat and the Grinch were always creepy, but it's like he's removed that thin veneer that kept us safe and sane. - The wall of painted decks at his booth caught my eye. I've always felt like I'm walking into an art exhibit when I enter a skate shop and for a moment it was as if the reverse was true and then I was swept in by everything else he has to offer. - I love the 3D skull art and the paintings are fabulous.  You have to click on the blog link to see "Not a Sparrow Will Fall" by Ellie Rusinova - Very dark, I really loved the ones that made me feel like I was walking into a metal vortex. - I love this Señorita. She was even more stunning in person. - He wasn't at the fair this year, but I saw him last year and hope to see him again.  I love his beautiful skull work. 

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