It's funny, all I did was glue on a few plastic bits, add a smidge of lace and give it a paint job, but I feel accomplished with this project, unlike last time.

The skeleton hands were from a past neighbor, she was cleaning out her Halloween stuff and wanted to know if I could use them. Of course I could. And then I didn't, forever. I get this mental block where I have to save things for the "right" project. And of course no idea is ever perfect enough, so I have all these interesting items, neatly tucked away, being underutilized. Now you know my dirty little secret. Well at least one of them.
I did temporarily use the hands as a sand fence in a fairy garden years ago. Besides the hands, I also used two small plastic spiders and a few leftover bits of lace trim from my textured vases.
I gave everything a couple of coats of black gesso, and dry brushed on some Champagne Gold. I've never been a fan of gold. It's too yellow and I dislike yellow with it's sunny disposition. Give me a dreary gray or a moody mauve. But Champagne Gold I'm utterly in love with, willing to look past it's rather festive name. It's like a warm silver.
The picture of the darling little boy is from this awesome collection of altered photos by Kelloween. I was torn between using that picture and this owl. I can't find the original source for the owl, but I'm hoping by the way its strewn across the internet that it's public domain, just search for top hat owl.