Friday, December 12, 2014

Creepmas Art

Long before Creepmas was a thing, my kids were unintentionally making Creepmas art.

 My son made the origami box for me and then his little sister got a hold of it and decided it needed a few embellishments. I think it would make a great gift box for a special little Creepmas present.

Here's a video if you want to learn how to make your own origami box. After that it's just paper teeth, googly eyes and of course a big bow on top.

I know as a mom I should look at the angel my daughter made in preschool with her own little hands and be all, "Aw, isn't that adorable." But look at those eyes, that angel aint right in the head.  Alright creepy or not, I have kept it all these years because, "Aw, those were her little hands."

My kids know I have a soft spot for creepy crawlies and these last two pictures were made just for me.  If you look closely this tree is festively decorated with caterpillars. Last is the Singing Santa Snake, say that three times fast.


I'm sure there are proud parents behind these Creepy Christmas artists too:

Ashley Amos

Christina Dee

Lizzy Love